Brow Lift

As the skin becomes less elastic, skin and other tissues start to sag and when this occurs in the upper third of the face, it can often make you look unnecessarily tired and cross.

Am I a good candidate for a brow lift?

Men and women that have heavy folds on the forehead, lowered brows and hooded eyes could benefit from a neck lift. This usually occurs over time as loss of skin elasticity and damage to the quality of the skin through sun and environmental damage, causes the skin and other tissues to droop. However, younger patients that have a very low browline can also benefit from this procedure.

The brow lift consultation

During your brow lift consultation Mr Afshin Yousefpour will listen carefully to your concerns with the appearance of your brow and what you would like to achieve. He will assess your whole face, as it’s rare for ageing to occur just in the upper third and you may be better suited to a brow lift combined with a mid-face lift.

What results can I expect?

Mr Yousefpour will aim to make the incisions where scarring will not be visible once healed. Patients are usual highly satisfied with the results of the brow lift procedure, as it opens up the eyes and brow, restoring a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance.

What does a brow lift procedure involve?

Traditionally, an open brow lift was used which involves a long incision in the hair for the surgeon to access the brow area. Now, an endoscopic brow lift achieves the same effect, but a few tiny incisions are made, through which Mr Yousefpour can insert an endoscopic camera and specially designed instruments to achieve a lift without long incisions or the associated trauma. The suspension brow lift uses stitches to hold the brow in an elevated position as it heals.

The tissues are elevated and then screwed or sutured into place, before any excess skin is removed. The whole procedure usually takes an hour and a half and can be performed either under a general or local anaesthetic, depending on the extent of the procedure, and you may stay in over night.

Are there any risks and complications associated with a brow lift?

Patients tend to be able to return to work and normal activities within two weeks, once bruising and swelling has gone down. More strenuous activities and exercise can be resumed at a month following surgery.

Complications associated with a brow lift include loss of sensation or a degree of asymmetry. As with any surgical procedure, there are possible risks of infection, excessive bleeding or a build up of blood or fluid under the skin.

PATIENT Testimonials

My dream has finally come true! The body that I wanted for so long is finally here, given to me by your magical hands, doctor! I appreciate it greatly.

Becky Jones, 42 Years

I thought that my problem was unique and unknown to plastic surgeons, however here I realized that it can be solved. Thank you so very much for your help!

Ian Moore, 33 Years

I am absolutely happy to be your patient. Your surgeons are genius! I was treated very kindly and professionally, and now I feel just great. Thanks!

Julia Gilmore, 29 Years

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