Fat Grafting

As we age, the face loses volume, causing sunken flat cheeks in the mid-face area and the appearance of folds and loss of definition in the lower face.

There are a number of procedures that can restore facial volume, including cheek implants and temporary dermal fillers, but one option that is becoming increasingly popular for its many benefits is fat grafting.

Using fat from elsewhere on the body to restore volume has been used for many years in aesthetic treatments, but improvement in technique and technology has meant that results are now far more reliable and effective.

Am I a good candidate for fat grafting?

Fat grafting is an ideal procedure for men and women who are looking for subtle and natural revolumisation of the mid-face area. It can also fill folds such as the nasolabial fold as well as providing a slight lift to the corners of the mouth which can start to turn downwards as you age.

Fat grafting is also used to fill any facial irregularities or deformities that might be the result of illness, trauma or previous surgery.

It is important to have adequate supplies of fat in the donor areas, which are commonly the abdomen, flanks or thighs.

The fat grafting consultation

During your fat grafting consultation, Mr Afshin Yousefpour will discuss your concerns with you and what you’re hoping to achieve with treatment. He will then advise you if fat grafting is the ideal procedure for you or if you would be better suited to a different non-surgical or surgical procedure. He can detail the advantages and disadvantages of these treatments so you are making an informed choice before proceeding.

What results can I expect from fat grafting?

A fat grafting procedure is an effective way to restore lost volume to the face and it can provide very soft, natural and beautiful results. These results are also much more long-lasting than those achieved with temporary dermal fillers

What does a fat grafting procedure involve?

When fat is transplanted from one area of the body and injected into a new site, the cells need a good blood supply to survive. Previously, practitioners would overfill as it was common for much of the transplanted fat cells not to survive, however it is now possible for up to 60 per cent of the transplanted tissue to survive.

Once the fat cells are carefully removed from the donor site with a syringe or cannula attached to a suction device, the fat is spun in a centrifuge to remove any impurities, before it is carefully injected into the recipient site. Mr Yousefpour will make a number of passes with a small cannula, placing minute amounts of the fat in tunnels to build up volume.

It can be performed under a local or general anaesthetic depending on the extent of the procedure.

Are there any risks and complications associated with fat grafting?

As a number of passes have been made under the skin to deposit the fat cells, there can be a considerable degree of swelling and bruising that can take a few weeks to fully subside. There will also be some bruising where the fat was taken, although that is usually very minor. There may be small scars from where the cannula has been inserted but these tend to heal very well.

There will be further adjustment before the final results are revealed as the fat that doesn’t ‘take’ will die off and that can be up to half of what has been transplanted. You may require a follow-up procedure to transfer more fat to achieve optimum results.

There is a small risk of infection and loss of sensation after a fat grafting procedure but this is quite rare. As it is the patient’s own fat being transplanted then there is no chance of an adverse allergic reaction.

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Becky Jones, 42 Years

I thought that my problem was unique and unknown to plastic surgeons, however here I realized that it can be solved. Thank you so very much for your help!

Ian Moore, 33 Years

I am absolutely happy to be your patient. Your surgeons are genius! I was treated very kindly and professionally, and now I feel just great. Thanks!

Julia Gilmore, 29 Years

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