Skin Lesion Removal

A skin lesion is an abnormal area of tissue and can present as a lump, bump, crack or mark on the skin. They can be found anywhere on the face and body. 

Skin lesions can be benign or malignant. The latter means cancerous and although these tend to spread slowly, it is important that you seek medical attention if there is any changes in the skin on the face and neck.

There are many benign types of skin lesions including moles, birth marks, warts or age or brown spots that develop as you age. Malignant tumours include basal-cell carcinoma, commonly caused by sun damage, squamous-cell carcinoma and melanomas.

Am I a good candidate for skin lesion removal?

During your initial consultation with Mr Afshin Yousefpour he will examine the skin lesion, its position and it will be biopsied. Once the nature of the skin lesion has been determined he can advise you on the best approach.

Some skin lesions can be treated with topical creams or radiotherapy or, if it is determined necessary, they can be removed surgically.

Are there any risks and complications?

There may be some discomfort where the skin lesion is removed and you will be left with a scar, the size of which is determined by the size of the lesion being removed. There is a small chance of bleeding, infection or loss of sensation in the surrounding skin afterwards.

What does a skin lesion removal involve?

Surgical removal of skin lesions is usually performed under local anaesthetic as a day case. Some skin lesions of the face and neck can be removed under general anaesthetic but this is not necessary in most cases and it is good practice to avoid the potential risk associated with a general anaesthetic if possible.

A local anaesthetic is injected to numb the area and the skin is thoroughly cleaned. The lesion is removed and the area is closed with sutures that will need removing at a follow-up appointment. If the skin lesion is very large you may require a skin graft or skin flap to cover the wound area.

After it is removed, the skin lesion is sent off for examination and you will see Mr Yousefpour to discuss the results, if necessary, at a later date.

What results can I expect from my skin lesion removal?

You’ll be able to resume normal activities as soon as you leave the clinic or hospital, although you will be advised not to go swimming and keep the wound clean while it is healing. It is usually not covered with a dressing, unless a skin graft or flap has been performed.

Mr Yousefpour will ensure the scar is sited in the best possible position and will give comprehensive instructions on how to care for it afterwards.

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My dream has finally come true! The body that I wanted for so long is finally here, given to me by your magical hands, doctor! I appreciate it greatly.

Becky Jones, 42 Years

I thought that my problem was unique and unknown to plastic surgeons, however here I realized that it can be solved. Thank you so very much for your help!

Ian Moore, 33 Years

I am absolutely happy to be your patient. Your surgeons are genius! I was treated very kindly and professionally, and now I feel just great. Thanks!

Julia Gilmore, 29 Years

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